Call us: 903-218-4900
It’s challenging to obtain price comparisons from a variety of suppliers, since prices must be compared on exactly the same day. In addition, the terms of the particular contract offered by the supplier influences the price that is quoted.
The Texas Association of Energy Providers
Our company offers a complete suite of energy services and options, and is dedicated to providing our customers with lower rates, unsurpassed service, and innovative solutions.
We promote a corporate culture of honesty and integrity, where communication and generation of new ideas can flow openly. We respect our co-workers, our partners, and most importantly, our customers.
The Texas Association of Energy Providers customers are protected by regulatory laws guaranteeing safe and reliable delivery of electricity. When you choose one of our electricity providers, your electricity continues to be delivered by the same company providing that service today (e.g., CenterPoint, Oncor, AEP, or Texas New Mexico Power).
These companies continue to respond to emergency situations and power outages in the same reliable manner you expect. The difference is now you have a choice in who you buy your electricity from.
We provide a valuable service to you by working with a large number of suppliers to compile the lowest rates from among the competition.
An important aspect of this consulting role is to assure that you understand the differences between the contract offers, and hidden fees.

Take the first step toward a positive customer experience and cost savings.
Tips when shoping for the best electricity rate.
The more electricity your business uses the cheaper the electricity rate from the provider. Becasue of this we don't just use one month of electricity usage like most brokers do, to get the best price we use 12 months of usage. No worries if you don't have the bills on hand for the last 12 months, we have access to this infromation on our end.
Let us provide you with a free quote.
You can also contact us by phone, fax or e-mail:
Toll-free: 1-903-218-4900
Fax: 1-888-593-4125
Email: Info@taoep.org